My journey


The entire post was too long for Insta 😅Since I have ventured into this journey of running, I have received so many different reactions from people; “Why do you run so much?” ; ” Isn’t it boring?”; “What do you get from it?”; “Aren’t you already thin?”; “How come you suddenly started this?”, “Why are you paying to just run?!” , “So you did chemistry, something about perfumes and now you are into sports!?” 😅 and The list goes on… It’s crazy how people think and talk 🙃

Let me tell you something today. Running isn’t boring, or a task that I have to finish! It is a daily routine for me. The same way I get up and brush my teeth, the exact same way I finish work and put on my shoes and head out for a run!! It is definitely not something I am doing to lose weight (quite happy with the way I look) 😋or something that I have recently started. 

People who have known me for a while now know that I have always been into sports, whether it was athletics, football or tennis in school followed by some more football and squash in college!! There came a point in time where science, chemistry, and all of it took over my life and all I had to do was concentrate on that; If I wanted to be settled later on with a decent career. 🤓

My passion is very much still perfumes. There is nothing that comes before that. Both running and perfumery have their own different values in my life. So when all of it was done, degree accomplished, masters done, and I finally started working, I decided it’s time to start again. Not like I stopped during my degree years, the running always continued, whether it was at the gym or just an open road; it all came down to that feeling of satisfaction after achieving the number of miles you thought you wanted to get done for the day. 🏃🏻
Running helped me grow as a person. It still does in many ways, and I would have so many people back me up for it! They have seen the changes, and it’s all for the better!! TRUST ME! It is a feeling that can’t be explained in words, but just something to be experienced. It is a competitive sport, YES! But it also helps you to push yourself and push your fellow runners along the way. 😇

The NIKE RUN CLUB (NRC) Dubai, has such a role to play in this, that this page would not be enough to thank them. Each one had their own role which they unknowingly played in it, and I can’t thank them enough! Their latest campaign: ‘WHAT WILL THEY SAY ABOUT YOU?’; Well, they would definitely call you brave and courageous.🙌🏻🙏🏻

To all those girls out there, coming from conservative families , a family who has restrictions and boundaries, try and GET OUT THERE!! Try RUNNING! This sport will help you fly and grow with no boundaries to stop you! ✨✨